10 Already Released 2015 Horror Films You Should Watch This Halloween

1. The Voices

The most purely entertaining horror film of this year is definitely Ryan Reynolds-starring romcom The Voices, in which Reynolds plays Jerry, who is prone to psychotic murder when he doesn't take his medication. Jerry is an optimist and is determined to be a good man, but finds himself egged on to commit further crimes by his misanthropic cat, despite the pleading of his big-hearted dog. That's right; Jerry hears the voices of his pets. If Marjane Satrapi's film doesn't sound particularly scary, it's because it mostly isn't. The film reaches for laughs far more regularly than it does for scares, although there are moments of brutal gore that genuinely shock. However, it's this focus on humour that makes The Voices such a perfect Halloween movie, dealing in dark comedy rather than a desire to tie the audience up in knots of terror. It's a film that gives its audience a good time, whilst occasionally scaring them silly as well. The Voices has a bizarre tone, which probably put off some people on its relatively brief run in cinemas, but it's a film that really deserves to find a wider audience on DVD. Boasting Reynolds in a terrific role and indie darling Anna Kendrick at peak quirk, it's well worth giving this film a try €” off-kilter musical interludes and all.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.