10 Alternate Endings To 2018 Movies You Almost Saw

2. The Predator

The Predator Ripley
20th Century Fox

The Ending We Got

In the final sequence of Shane Black's nostalgic, uneven Predator reboot, it turns out that the McGuffin that the normal Predator was trying to give to humanity to help them protect themselves from the genetically improved Ultimate Predator was a Predator Killer supersuit that Boyd Holbrook's McKenna puts on.

That presumably set up a sequel in which he goes after the alien hunters himself. Whether that happens now remains to be seen.

The Ending We Almost Saw

Incredibly, Shane Black's multiple alternate endings were even MORE unhinged than that armour that was unveiled in the final product.

One of those endings brought back Arnold Schwarzenegger's Dutch for a cameo. He would have appeared on a chopper (of course) after the Ultimate Predator is beaten to tell the survivors to climb aboard, singling young Rory out as the key to humanity's fight back. Ultimately it was too slight a cameo and Arnie refuses.

But there were also two other cameos planned. The other plan for a different ending was to have a mysterious person within the chamber that the friendly Predator was transporting, who would be wearing Facehugger-like breathing apparatus. And it's the faces under the mask that really would have raised some eyebrows.

Hollywood artist Yuri Everson revealed that Black filmed three endings and in one, it was Ellen Ripley who emerged from the chamber under the mask:

“We shot 3 different endings for #ThePredator, all variations of a “Predator Killer”. This unused ending was Predator Killer Ripley wearing the breather mask we created for the film. You can see her name tag there on her costume. [Stuntwoman] Breanna Watkins played Ripley under the mask instead of Sigourney Weaver. The moving “fingers” and “tail” were deemed too facehugger-like on the day and were cut and removed by someone. Sorry @jon_k_miller who headed up making the breather mask for us @thestudioadi with @saratheterra,@ape5150, Zac Teller and Lord Garth but they made me do it! Michael Diner and his amazing Vancouver crew made the pod. All in no time flat.”

Then it turned out that stuntwoman Watkins had also played a grown-up version of Newt from Aliens. Both interesting swerves that would have been better than what we actually got.

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A Quiet Place
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