10 Alternate Star Wars Movie Scenes We Almost Got To See

7. Before There Were Ewoks, There Were Wookiees - Return Of The Jedi

rise of skywalker rey
Roger Chamberlain

In another example of just how much the Star Wars universe has been known to evolve between features, there was once a time when George Lucas envisioned the all-round badass and intelligent race known as the Wookiees as a primitive species.

At first, the mind behind this galaxy had wanted to introduce Chewbacca's homeboys and girls in A New Hope, with the furry delights colliding with the Empire in the first Star Wars picture. This was ultimately binned off due to it being seen as too complicated to pull off at the time. But when the technology and funds caught up by the time Return of the Jedi was given the green light, Lucas' original plans simply didn't sync up with the version of the species we'd come to understand in the first two flicks.

Chewie was anything but primitive, so making the rest of his race so would've been an odd move. Instead, it was decided that shrinking down the giant beings and giving them adorable high-pitched voices was the better way to go. And before we knew what had hit us, we were staring at spear and slingshot wielding Ewoks taking down the big bad Empire.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...