10 Amazing Actresses Hollywood Don't Know What To Do With

6. Andrea Riseborough

Andrea Riseborough headed up her own miniseries, The Devil's Whore, in 2008 €“ brilliantly, I might add €“ and how did Hollywood respond? With a role in which she merely got to respond to Tom Cruise, before her character was unceremoniously killed, in last year's Oblivion. So far, that's been pretty much it. Riseborough's had minor roles in UK dramas that haven't stretched her too much (e.g. Never Let Me Go, Brighton Rock, Welcome to the Punch) and one performance that found rave reviews in Shadow Dancer. Only no one saw Shadow Dancer, and the big movies with big roles for Riseborough to match haven't arrived yet, meaning it's still rare to find casual film-goers who've even heard the name. And yet, Andrea Riseborough could (and by all rights should) be as big as an Amy Adams or a Scarlett Johansson, by arguably being a better actress than either. Often actors are described as 'chameleonic' due to their ability to play anything, where actresses rarely are, but Riseborough is one actress where the term would be unquestionably applicable.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1