10 Amazing Character Moments In The Matrix Trilogy

2. Neo - The Resurrection

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

After freeing Morpheus from Agent HQ, and facing off against Smith in the subway station, it looked like Neo was finally embracing his fate as The One. His swashbuckling chase through the city from the Agents takes to the finish line, the sound of an exit phone ring getting closer. But as Neo opens the door, who should be staring at him but Smith.

The execution is a gut-punch as Smith empties his Desert Eagle into Neo and kills him dead. As the Sentinels descend upon the Nebuchadnezzar, the 'all is lost' moment is upon Tank, Morpheus and Trinity. But with true love's kiss, Neo is resurrected and has evolved like a Pokemon into The One. The baffled Agents can't quite fathom what they see, and the enraged Smith finally gets disposed of in one of the film's best sequences.

Neo's evolution into The One was the Chekov's Gun of the The Matrix, and the film delivered this punch at the very last minute. In this scene we realise he is stronger, faster, sharper and inhabits unique abilities that allow him to become one with The Matrix. It's an elating moment, even as the Nebuchadnezzar is being torn to shreds.

The resurrected hero does not need to make a stand against his enemies anymore, they should be afraid of him. As we learn as Agents Brown and Jones choose to run away instead of meet the same fate as Smith. What an amazing scene to cap off such an incredible film!

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The Matrix
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!