10 Amazing Movie Roles Ruined By Terrible Actors

1. Johnny Wilcox - Jake Gyllenhaal (Okja)

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Bong Joon-ho's 2017 sci-fi adventure dramedy Okja is a stunning balancing act between various tones and ideas. Part body horror, part social commentary and part heartwarming tale between a young girl and her unusual pet, the Netflix feature is another strong offering from the outstanding South Korean filmmaker.

The performances are just as good as the material they were given to work with, as Ahn Seo-hyun, Tilda Swinton and Paul Dano all give wonderful and varied turns befitting their eclectic characters. However, one actor in the list took the eccentric nature of the story a bit too seriously, and as a result gave a resoundingly awful performance.

Jake Gyllenhaal's deranged zoologist was supposed to be over-the-top and disconcerting, but the Nightcrawler actor is too all over the place to bring his character' tics, grating voice and hyperactive persona into a believable whole.

While that may have been the point of the writing behind Wilcox, Gyllenhaal should have reined things in a bit to avoid being so distracting in an otherwise well-crafted picture.

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