10 Amazing Movie Sequels That Are Actually Being Made

7. Gremlins 3

It€™s been 22 years since Gremlins brought slapstick, satire and comic book bloodshed to a horror genre badly in need of a few laughs, and 16 years since its sequel did it all over again. Rejoice, then, at the news that Gremlins 3 is cocked, loaded and coming our way in 2018. Taking its cue from Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow, who successfully extended the Jurassic Park franchise by rebutting a remake of the original in favour of continuing the story two decades later, Gremlins 3 will pick up directly where its predecessor left off. That is, with the slaughter of the entire gremlin army and safe return of Gizmo €“ that€™s the cute gremlin with oversized ears and a permanently anxious expression €“ to his adopted human family. While it€™s Zach Galligan, the star of the first two movies, who has spilled the beans on the sequel, even he€™s not sure if the iconic character of Billy Peltzer will return or if an all-new cast will take the franchise forward, and while the mind boggles as to what direction the plot will take, it€™s a safe bet that gags and gore will form the bedrock. Expected release date: 2018

Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.