10 Amazing Movie Sequels That Are Actually Being Made

6. Goonies 2

The Goonies are the ultimate childhood gang. There€™s the cool one with a haircut far too impressive for a child, the brave one who dreams up derring-do adventures, the nerdy one who gets them out of trouble and the chubby one whose primary role in the group, political correctness notwithstanding, is using his superior bulk to barge open locked doors. Ah, every probably true childhood stereotype thrown together into a gang, given a treasure map and sent off to seek their fortune. Surprisingly given that the movie became an instant classic, three decades have passed without a sequel. Cue 2015 and the movie€™s original director Richard Donner dropping hints that a sequel is afoot, and even suggesting that Chris Columbus, the Goonies screenwriter who went on to produce three Harry Potter movies and, er, Pixels, would return to the fold alongside some dude called Steven Spielberg. Columbus himself last month confirmed that a sequel is in the offing, while two of the Goonies gang - Sean Austin (the brave one) and Corey Feldman (the cool one) €“ have publicly counted themselves in. Watch this space. Expected release date: 2018

Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.