10 Amazing Movie Sequels That Are Actually Being Made

4. Top Gun 2

Rumours of a Top Gun sequel had littered the internet for a long time before a childishly delighted Facebook post from Val Kilmer sealed the deal. The large-jawed legend, prone to recording his every waking thought on social media, gushed that he€™d been offered the part of Ice Man in Top Man 2, further confirming that that Tom Cruise would return to the role of Maverick. Cruise revealed soon after that his one proviso for shooting a sequel was that no CGI would be used on the jets, leaving fans debating quite how box office the end result will be, though David Ellison, whose Skydance studio is producing the film, was quick to allay fears by confirming that the film will be shot for 3D. So where does the Top Gun story, which previously closed with one of the most sickbag-inducing, silhouetted love scenes in cinematic history, go from here? According to producer Jerry Bruckheimer, in a direction that few fans will see coming. With drones becoming the war weapon of choice, Top Gun 2 will centre on the concept of elite fighter pilots versus unmanned machines. Expected release date: 2018

Feature and fiction writer based in the north of England.