10 Amazing Scenes In The Halloween Franchise

8. The Scalding - Halloween II (1981)

Halloween 2018 Ending
Universal Pictures

By the time Halloween II began production in the spring of 1981, the filmmakers already knew their sequel would have to be a very different entity to survive in the surging slasher market. Having seen heads roll, scalps rip and limbs fly in the three years since Halloween opened the floodgates, Halloween II needed to up the gore ante.

Halloween II takes us to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital, where surviving heroine Laurie Strode is resting up after a particularly stressful Halloween night. Unfortunately, Michael Myers has survived his bullet wounds and is back on the hunt for her.

Within this setting we meet hospital employees Bud and Karen. Oblivious to the the chaos around them, these horny devils decide to copulate in the hospital's handy hydrotherapy tub. Unbeknownst to either, Michael Myers turns the heat in the tub up to dangerous levels. Before both are boiled alive the harsh-talking Bud goes to investigate the rising temperature only to be quickly dispatched in the background. Michael silently enters the room behind the unaware nurse...

Halloween II more than delivers in its bid to keep up with gorier times here as Michael dunks Karen's head repeatedly into the scalding water. Actress Pamela Susan Shoop sells the absolute agony with some blood curdling screams before eventually going limp. However, that's not enough for Michael, as he keeps dunking the body until the flesh burns from Karen's face in a series of horrific reveals!

It is scenes like this that sell Michael Myers' anger and make him the threat we fear today. In this scene he shows no mercy and we get to see some incredible make-up effects.

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Hi! The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a HUGE horror movie nut. A confirmed addict to the WhatCulture Horror YouTube channel I thought I'd try my luck on their writing team. I'm a wannabe author with one completed manuscript submitted to a few agents. Please cross your fingers for me! I am currently working on my second book. If you wanna talk horror or need any movie recommendations, I'm your man! Give me a follow on Instagram... since there doesn't seem to be a section for that in the "socials" tab @that_horror_nerd