10 Amazing Scenes In The Halloween Franchise

6. The Rooftop Chase - Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers (1988)

Halloween 2018 Ending
Trancas International

Taking the next spot on this list of iconic moments, we have another chase scene, this time from the series' triumphant return to form in 1988's Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers.

Halloween 4 makes no bones about what it is and what it wants you to know - it says it all right there in the title. Michael Myers is back and where Michael Myers goes, carnage will soon follow. However, this time his target is his 8 year-old niece. A back-to-basics slasher film, Halloween 4 has many memorable setpieces.

In one of the most perilous scenes in the franchise to date, heroine Rachel and her young charge Jamie are forced to make the daunting decision to escape onto the roof, risking a three storey fall. Not only are these poor characters being chased by a psychotic killer, but they're at constant risk of tumbling to certain death. Add to that the fact one of them is only a child and you have a scene that never abates for a second.

Michael manages to remain an ever-present threat, getting in a few good swipes at his targets, even if he does look a little unsteady on the roof tiles. But the most remarkable thing about this scene is the strong, resourceful performance by Ellie Cornell as big sister Rachel. In a moment that is both heart-wrenching and terrifying, we witness Rachel distract the knife-wielding Boogeyman long enough to get young Jamie out of harm's way. The hyper-tense scene ends on a tragic note as the character plummets from the roof with a scream and a thud.

Truly this is one of the absolute high-points of the Halloween franchise, with masterfully tense editing, direction and music.

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Hi! The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a HUGE horror movie nut. A confirmed addict to the WhatCulture Horror YouTube channel I thought I'd try my luck on their writing team. I'm a wannabe author with one completed manuscript submitted to a few agents. Please cross your fingers for me! I am currently working on my second book. If you wanna talk horror or need any movie recommendations, I'm your man! Give me a follow on Instagram... since there doesn't seem to be a section for that in the "socials" tab @that_horror_nerd