10 Animated Movies That Desperately Need Sequels

9. The Simpsons Movie

2007's The Simpsons Movie was a real shot in the arm for the most famous family in America: after years of watching the show's quality decline with increasingly outlandish storylines while the characterisation took a back seat, this film felt like a call back to the glory days of the show during its sixth, seventh and eighth seasons. To be fair, it did feature a silly plot in which Springfield became encased in a giant dome, and a number of ridiculously ham-fisted celebrity cameos, but it also retained the heart that made the show so successful in the first place. The film was a significant critical and commercial hit, making it clear that The Simpsons are still relevant beyond the easy viewing of a weekly Sunday night TV broadcast. When asked about a sequel, series creator Matt Groening however said that, "It took us four years and it killed us", elaborating that making the movie took animators away from the show's production, while producer-director David Silverman said, "Maybe another 10, 15 years." Given the insane profits the show makes for Fox as it is, it's no surprise that they're not exactly chomping at the bit to give us another movie, but hopefully it will happen before the show becomes so awful it ends up getting cancelled...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.