10 Animated Movies That Desperately Need Sequels

8. Bolt

Bolt was an incredibly sweet animated film released in 2008, which had franchise potential written all over it. John Travolta voiced the titular dog, a TV star who plays a super-powered dog, and thus believes that he is, in fact, a super-powered dog. When he believes that his owner (or as he calls her, his "human"), Penny, has been kidnapped, he sets out to find her, bringing with him mighty hamster Rhino and irritable, sarcastic alley cat Mittens. The premise is outlandish and delightfully loony, but the real reason the movie works is the chemistry between the characters and actors. Susie Essman is especially brilliant as the neglected Mittens, and her back-story forms much of the movie's emotional core. It's also got some great, rousing songs, and it would have been a blast to see the further adventures of Bolt, Mittens and Rhino...if not for the fact the movie grossed just over twice its budget, which while making it a success, isn't enough for anyone to jump at the idea of another movie.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.