10 Announced Movie Sequels Happening WAY Too Late

8. Kingsman: The Blue Blood

Star Trek 4 Too Late

Even though Kingsman sequel The Golden Circle proved wildly divisive with critics and fans alike, it still grossed over $400 million worldwide, enough that most expected Matthew Vaughn to immediately get to work on a threequel.

And while Vaughn started developing the script in 2017 after The Golden Circle's release, seven years later we're still waiting for it to start shooting. 

Vaughn has instead busied himself with Kingsman prequel The King's Man and the recent Argylle, which is set within the Kingsman universe.

Numerous planned start dates for Kingsman 3, tentatively titled Kingsman: The Blue Blood, have been missed, and given that both The King's Man and Argylle flopped at the box office, it seems highly probable that audiences are basically over Kingsman as an idea at this point.

Considering that only the original movie was much good and Vaughn has kept Eggsy (Taron Egerton) on the bench for what will likely be around a decade before Kingsman 3 hits cinemas - assuming it actually gets made at all - it truly feels like the time has come and gone for this franchise.

Even if Kingsman 3 does happen, don't be shocked if it hugely underperforms commercially and effectively kills the franchise dead, because general audiences seemed to lose interest years ago.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.