10 Announced Movie Sequels Happening WAY Too Late

6. Now You See Me 3

Star Trek 4 Too Late
Summit Entertainment

The first two Now You See Me movies collectively grossed almost $700 million worldwide, so it's honestly surprising that Lionsgate didn't rush ahead with a third film.

Now You See Me 2 released back in 2016, and though the soon-to-shoot third film was recently confirmed for a November 14, 2025 bow, this is definitely another franchise that needed to get going while the going was good.

Even with most of the principal cast set to return, waiting a near-decade to put the third film out feels like a massive mistake. With the theatrical landscape so different today, will audiences consider it worth leaving the house for?

Plus, it should be noted that Now You See Me 2's box office success was heavily reliant on its performance in China, where it grossed almost $100 million alone. 

But with China's interest in Hollywood waning in recent years, Now You See Me 3 won't have the same market strength before even a single frame of it has even been shot.

In pure creative terms, though, this needed to come out when people were still talking about the franchise - 2020 at the latest.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.