10 Announced Movie Sequels Happening WAY Too Late

5. Cloverfield 2

Star Trek 4 Too Late

Cloverfield was a veritable pop-culture phenomenon when it released in 2008, and shortly afterwards, director Matt Reeves talked up the prospect of a sequel which covers the alien invasion from another person's perspective.

Yet 16 years later, a direct sequel to Cloverfield still hasn't happened, with the series instead branching into spin-off territory with the terrific 10 Cloverfield Lane and not-so-terrific The Cloverfield Paradox.

After years and years of J.J. Abrams teasing a proper Cloverfield sequel, however, it was finally confirmed to be happening in 2021, with Joe Barton (Encounter) tapped to write the script.

That Paramount has thus far struggled to make Cloverfield a genuine franchise in its own right is pretty surprising given the fandom for the original film.

But with close to two decades passing without a direct follow-up and the sequel reportedly ditching the found footage format due to the style's declining popularity, it really feels like Cloverfield 2 had its chance well over a decade ago.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.