10 Annoying Movie Characters Whose Deaths We Enjoyed

5. Buzzsaw (The Running Man)

Buzzsaw The 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie The Running Man takes place in 2017 Los Angeles in a world where the global economy has collapsed and American society has become a totalitarian police state, censoring all cultural activity. The government pacifies the populace by broadcasting a number of game shows in which convicted criminals fight for their lives, including the gladiator-style The Running Man, hosted by the ruthless Damon Killian, where 'runners' attempt to evade 'stalkers' and certain death for a chance to be pardoned and set free. Ben Richards (Schwarzenegger) has been wrongly accused of murdering civilians whilst serving in the US armed forces and must participate in the gameshow along with a number of other innocent contestants. Having disposed of the first stalker, Subzero, the second is unleashed - and that man in Buzzsaw, a chainsaw wielding maniac. Richards and Buzzsaw faceoff and end up in a physical struggle with the roaring chainsaw between them. A test of strength ensues in which Buzzsaw smugly declares that the chainsaw is a part of him (but he wants to make it a part of Richards), Richards overpowers him and aims the chainsaw between his legs. Buzzsaw is killed after having a chainsaw tear through his meat and two veg. Richards is then questioned about what happened to Buzzsaw and he amusingly responds (in typical Arnie fashion) with "he had to split".

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.