10 Annoying Movie Characters Whose Deaths We Enjoyed

3. Donald Gennaro (Jurassic Park)

john gennaro Donald Gennaro is the 'bloodsucking lawyer' from the original Jurassic Park movie. He is part of the team sent to investigate the park following the grisly death of a park employee during its construction stage. After originally appearing to be the party-pooper, questioning the park's safety and stressing that they are there to investigate, not for a "weekend excursion", Gennaro soon changes his tune when he realises the money-making potential of the park. Whilst out on the park tour, Gennaro is part of the crew whose jeeps break down next to the T-Rex paddock. Once the power goes off and it becomes apparent that the T-Rex is approaching, Gennaro promply exits the jeep, leaving the two children - Lex and Tim Hammond - to fend for themselves in what is a terrifying situation. Anyway, it turns out he had headed straight for a portaloo ("when you gotta go, you gotta go!") which the T-Rex knocks down whilst Gennaro is sat on the toilet. The T-Rex proceeds to rip the heartless lawyer in half.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.