10 Anticipated 2017 Movies That Have Already Lost The Oscar Race

2. Victoria & Abdul

Victoria And Abdul Judi Dench
Focus Features

The Buzz: Two-time Best Director Oscar nominee Stephen Frears (The Grifters, The Queen) shoots a script from Oscar-nominated Billy Elliot writer Lee Hall, with the legendary Judi Dench giving her second performance as Queen Victoria after originally getting a Best Actress nomination for the role in 1997's Mrs Brown.

Why It's Already Lost: Though reviews have been predominantly positive, especially for Dench's work, this seems like a more typical, treacly Stephen Frears movie, an enjoyable jaunt that won't stick with you for very long but is decent cinematic comfort food all the same.

Dench could perhaps score another Best Actress nomination given her age and the general affection for her in this role, but beyond some crafts nods for its costumes and whatnot, it's got little chance in "serious" categories.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.