10 Awesome 2018 Movies Everyone Thought Would Suck

2. Bumblebee

Bumblebee Hailee Steinfeld

Why It Should've Sucked: It's a live-action Transformers movie, for one?

There were collective groans from fans when a Bumblebee spin-off movie was first announced, and even with Michael Bay not directing, him still serving as a producer nevertheless invited a ton of scepticism.

Why It Was Awesome: This is the Transformers movie fans should've had over a decade ago.

A sweet, charming and more straight-forward blockbuster free of the cringe-worthy "humour" and casual sexism/racism of the Bay-directed films, Bumblebee is finally a live-action Transformers film truly fit for kids and adults alike.

With a smaller budget and more intimate dramatic focus, Bumblebee successfully melds nostalgia with genuine character-driven emotion, while still delivering the expected effects-driven mayhem.

With Kubo and the Two Strings' director Travis Knight at the helm, this blockbuster finds the "humanity" in its lumbering robot protagonist and - gasp - actually makes the prospect of a sequel seem quite appealing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.