10 Awesome Blockbusters Coming This Summer (That Aren’t Sequels)

8. Now You See Me

NYSMReleased On: 31st May (US), 3rd July (UK) What€™s It About: Middling director Louis Letterier shepherds a stellar cast in Now You See Me, the big thriller of the summer you haven€™t heard of. Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson and Isla Fisher play a team of magicians who become Robin Hood style Samaritans, hunted by Mark Ruffalo. After robbing $140 million from Michael Caine, it quickly becomes apparent they€™re gearing up for their biggest trick yet. Why It€™ll Be Awesome: Letterier doesn't have the best back catalogue, with Transporter, The Incredible Hulk and Clash Of The Titans sullying his resume. However, in putting more stock in a talented cast and less his ability to direct large scale action, he might break the bad movie curse. The trailers showcase plenty of CGI enhanced set pieces, but its made clear this time the focus is on the characters and the plot.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.