10 Awesome Blockbusters Coming This Summer (That Aren’t Sequels)

7. The Heat

HeatReleased On: 28th June (US), 31st July (UK) What€™s It About: Paul Feig€™s follow up to Bridesmaids teams up hot stuff Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock in a female version of every buddy cop film ever. Watch the sparks fly as McCarthy€™s rude, overweight, lazy cop must help serious business FBI agent Bullock take on a Russian mobster. With women farting, probably. The film promises to take the best thing about Bridesmaids (McCarthy, vulgarity) and combine it with the genre tropes. Hot Fuzzettes anyone? Why It€™ll Be Awesome: While Bridesmaids had its moments, its hard to avoid the fact it was mostly screaming €˜WOMEN CAN BE FUNNY TOO' at the top of its voice. Now we've got over that, maybe we can have a film that is consistently funny and with an exciting plot. The trailer looks promising, with Bullock as happy to laugh at herself as McCarthy and a fairly intriguing plot. With the Bridesmaids association, expect this to clear up at the box office amongst all the sci-fi, robots and superheroes.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.