10 Awesome Blockbusters Coming This Summer (That Aren’t Sequels)

4. Only God Forgives

Only GodReleased On: 19th July (US), 2nd August (UK) What€™s It About: Nicolas Winding Refn€™s follow up to the rightly lauded, now cult classic Drive sees him team up with a brutal Ryan Gosling once more. Information on Only God Forgives is thin on the ground at the moment; the trailer€™s are light on plot details, instead showcasing some operatically shot violence, although they do back up a production synopsis that hints at a family revenge saga in Thailand. It€™s questionable how much of blockbuster Only God Forgives is, but given the talent involved and the scorching release date, it€™s worthy of a mention on this list. Why It€™ll Be Awesome: I wrote a long paragraph rambling on and on about how Gosling was at the highest point in his short but illustrious career, that Winding Refn was poised perfectly on the edge of popularity to allow him to have most freedom on this project and just gush at how exciting the plot sounds, but all of that can be overridden by one three worded sentence; Drive was awesome.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.