10 Most Awesome Displays Of Power In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. Iron Man Takes Out The Tank (Iron Man)

After Tony Stark had been held hostage in Afghanistan, he went home and built his first high-tech Iron Man armour. The Mark II armour, as it would become known, was more lightweight, streamlined and less bulky than the crude version he built in the cave he had been held in and it granted him super-strength and durability and possessed offensive weapons such as missiles. Moreover, it enabled him to fly quickly and accurately. Wearing the new armour, Stark returned to the village in which he was held captive. By using his advanced targeting system, he took out the terrorists who had taken over the village, held him captive and who were using civilians as human shields and left the man in charge for the villagers to do what they please with. As he was departing, a tank fired at him. After rather casually dodging the shot, he fired a missile at it from his arm. At that point, he turned and walks away slowly as the missile hits the tank and blows it up without him even bothering to watch. It was the first time he had truly shown the offensive powers of his armour and it was awesome - an anti-tank missile.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.