10 Awesome Fan Theories That Would Improve The Batman Films

9. Bane Was On Batman's Side In The Dark Knight Rises

There is a rather intriguing theory about Bane in The Dark Knight Rises which suggests he was actually on Batman's side in the movie and was merely manipulating the League of Shadows to keep them off his trail, so that he could go about testing him and making him a better hero. It even brings up the idea that, perhaps, he actually idolised the Dark Knight. After Batman's eight year absence (during which crime in Gotham City was actually at an all-time low), the theory states that Bane feared Bruce Wayne didn't think his alter-ego was required any more. As a result, he came up with a plan to get him back. First, he needed to show Batman that he wasn't immortal and challenged him to rise up from adversity (hence breaking his back, giving him motivation to rehabilitate). Then he needed to convince Bruce Wayne that Gotham City needed Batman and make the citizens of Gotham City realise that they need Batman (hence the level of threat he posed himself). Of course, there are numerous moments in the movie that conflict this theory (such as the fact that Bane came very close to killing the hero), but the excuse can be made that Bane needed to convince Batman that he was against him in order for his plan to work.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.