10 Awesome Hidden Details You Completely Missed In Action Movies

6. John Wick 2 - Wick Does A Press Check On His Gun For Good Reason

Baby Driver

It's pretty much common knowledge at this point that Keanu Reeves went to great lengths to ensure his portrayal of retired hitman John Wick in the series of the same name was as dynamic and authentic as possible.

To make sure he was up to the task, he trained with SWAT team veterans and former Navy SEALS so he felt properly equipped to take on the ridiculous amount of combat scenes included in the features. Clearly this training paid off, as Reeves absolutely looks like the real deal whenever he's taking out various bad guys with either his fists or whatever weapon he can get his hands on.

His detailed training also seemed to have helped him accurately portray exactly how you should reload a Kimber 1911 in the museum showdown in John Wick 2 (2017).

These pistols are known for being a little unreliable on occasion, so Wick performs a press check immediately after loading the magazine to make sure a round is in the chamber. If there wasn't, he'd produce nothing more than a click after pulling the trigger...which could be a tad embarrassing.

It's a rather tiny detail, performed impressively by Reeves, but it adds that little bit more credibility to his performance as Baba Yaga.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...