10 Awesome Horror Movies Set In The Future That You've NEVER Seen

7. Mindwarp

antiviral film
Fangoria Films

Everybody loves Bruce Campbell, right? Well, unless you’re a deadite, but they don’t really count. 

The same year that Bruce starred as Ash Williams in Army of Darkness, he also appeared in another horror flick called Mindwarp. It was directed by Steve Barnett for the short-lived Fangoria Films production company and cost under $1 million to make, but that doesn’t mean it was poor by any standards. 

Campbell plays Stover, one of the last humans living in a world that has been ruined by the loss of the ozone layer. This caused the creation of the Dead Zones, vast swathes of wasteland inhabited by mutated humans known as Crawlers. As for the rest of humanity, they’re living in a protected bubble, their minds plugged into a virtual reality. Alongside fellow human Judy (Marta Martin), Stover must fight back against the Crawlers and prevent himself and new friend from becoming one. 

As sci-fi horror B-movies go, Mindwarp is a whole heap of fun with plenty of badass action moments from the main man. It was also called “Brain Slasher” in certain territories, which is really silly and kinda awesome. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.