10 Awesome Horror Movies Set In The Future That You've NEVER Seen

6. Forbidden World

antiviral film
New World Pictures

The late great Roger Corman was the king of low-budget horrors, having been involved in dozens of them across his remarkable career. This includes 1982’s Forbidden World, which Corman produced and Allan Holzman directed.

The action goes down in a futuristic world on the planet Xarbia, a huge desert that is largely unpopulated spare for a few human research stations. In one of these labs, a new lifeform is created in an effort to solve world hunger, but it’s the scientists themselves who end up on the menu once the new creature escapes. 

It’s up to Jesse Vint’s Mike Colby to save the day, accompanied by his faithful robot companion SAM-104. However, solving this problem turns out to be more complicated than Mike first thought, as there is more to this lab-grown beastie than meets the eye. 

Forbidden World wears its low-budget nature proudly, making no effort to be anything more than a cheap thrill. Still, it’s got a decent cast of characters, enjoyable fight scenes, and an intriguing mystery at its core. 

Also, some of the sets were built by James Cameron, which is a neat piece of trivia.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.