10 Awesome Horror Movies Set In The Future That You've NEVER Seen

5. The Terror Within

antiviral film
New Concorde

Another Roger Corman joint came seven years after Forbidden World, this time with Theirry Notz acting as director. 

The Terror Within takes place in a post-apocalyptic vision of the future, where Earth has been overrun by a race of monstrous beasts called Gargoyles. A group of survivors holed up in a special bunker come face-to-face with the creatures when one of them gets inside, leading to a bloody battle to eliminate the problem. 

Fans of viscera will go nuts for The Terror Within, as it is a complete gorefest from start to finish with some of the most gratuitous violence you will find in a movie from this time period. It’s B-movie tosh at its very finest, which was always Corman’s specialty.

It also tries to make a statement about women’s reproductive rights, as a question comes up over whether or not a female character should be allowed to abort a foetus that may or may not be a Gargoyle. It isn’t the greatest social commentary in the world, but it’s fascinating to look back at through a modern lens. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.