10 Awesome Horror Movies Set In The Future That You've NEVER Seen

4. Aniara

antiviral film
Magnolia Pictures

Fans of Swedish poetry will recognise Aniara as the name of an epic composition by Nobel Prize-winning writer Harry Martinson. It’s about a ship full of humans fleeing a dying Earth only to get knocked off course and sent spiralling through space.

Directors Pella Kågerman and Hugo Lilja translated Martinson’s work to the big screen in 2018, setting his story in an unspecified future where climate change has destroyed the planet. After their trip to Mars gets upended, the various passengers aboard the titular ship learn to deal with the fact that they are trapped aboard the vessel, possibly forever.

The only source of relief in this flying prison is the Mima, a virtual reality machine that reminds the inhabitants of Earth’s better days. This is where the Mimarobe (Emelie Garbers) comes in; she’s in charge of running the device and becomes the main character in the story. 

Aniara is a fantastically tense affair with plenty of sci-fi fun. Also, because it’s based on a poem, it gives you the chance to appear way more highbrow than you actually are.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.