10 Awesome Moments From 2015's Super Bowl Trailers

8. Indominus Rex Revealed - Jurassic World

In fairness, much of the attention paid to the Jurassic World Super Bowl trailer focused on how much better the visual effects and colour correction looked compared to the murky first trailer, even if that wasn't the real reason to pay attention. The trailer's big coup was in revealing the movie's final boss, the Indominus Rex, which eats a member of the Jurassic World crew as Owen (Chris Pratt) narrowly escapes. Owen then declares that the Rex is killing for sport, before mounting up and going after it, with the context pretty much confirming that, yes, the movie will feature tamed raptors being used as weapons to take down the new big bad. Whether audiences will actually buy that or not remains to be seen. While it doesn't clear up a lot of ambivalence about the movie and some of the effects still don't really look up to par, the new trailer does focus more on building up intrigue, and hopefully with many months still to go ahead of release, the CGI will be continually honed up until that point.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.