10 Awesome Movie Sequels (That Don't Make Sense At All)

2. Clark Has No Way To Get To & From The Fortress Of Solitude - Superman II

Superman IISuperman II is considered to be the last great Superman movie, unless for some reason you thought Man Of Steel was enjoyable, and in that case, I'd like to have a little word with you when this article is over. Anyway, Superman isn't exactly a franchise that hinges on ideas that are supposed to make sense in the real world, but there are some logical lapses which are far too annoying to ignore, even in a movie about an alien with superpowers who flies around and lives in an ice cave. And in actuality, it's that very ice cave that this rather weird lapse concerns. At one point in Superman II, you see, Clark reveals his identity to Lois Lane and then decides to gives up his superpowers by standing in something called the Red Sunlight Chamber. Okay, so that's one of the big plot points of this movie, right? Clark sacrificing his ability to fly. But wait... how in God's name did they both get back to the mainland, given that they're both in the North Pole at this point? The movie just cuts there without explanation as to how they got back. And later on, when Clark realises he made a huge mistake, we're back at the North Pole again, and - yup - there's no explanation necessarily, apparently. So, yes, the fundamental character arc in this movie technically makes no sense. Worst still, it knows it, and hopes you won't notice.

All-round pop culture obsessive.