10 Awesome Movie Sequels (That Don't Make Sense At All)

3. Rick & Evelyn's Son Was Born The Year Before They Met - The Mummy Returns

Mummy ReturnsThe Mummy Returns was green-lit the day that The Mummy was released in theatres, because that's how much everyone loved going to see The Mummy when it came out. We all went Mummy mad. Some might dispute The Mummy Returns' place on this list as an "awesome movie," but having seen it around twelve times, I can assure that it's about as good as the first one - and the soundtrack is great, too. What it's not so good at, though? Making sense, given that - somehow - the time frame has been messed up to the point that it's genuinely insane. You see, the first movie was set in 1923. Well, at least, it was... for the first few scenes, which is what the screenwriter tasked with writing the sequel failed to realise. After the introduction, we actually move on 3 years, and the rest of the movie takes place in 1926. The writer clearly just popped The Mummy into their DVD player, saw "1923" and then added on the appropriate years for the sequel to take place, which is 1933, by the way. So whereas the movie was meant to be set 8 years in the future so that Rick and Evelyn O'Connell could have their son, Alex, he was actually born a year they even met, for some reason. It's a miracle of sorts, I'm telling you.

All-round pop culture obsessive.