10 Awesome Movie Sequels (That Don't Make Sense At All)

1. Bond & His Arch-Nemesis Don't Recognise One Another (For No Reason) - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

James Bond 50 ans One might argue that the continuity amongst Bond movies is one of cinema's biggest and most futile head-scratchers, given that logic seems to be lacking in absolutely every possible avenue when it comes to this largely inconsistent and largely large series of 23 movies. Trying to figure out whether James Bond is a codename or he's supposed to be the same guy every time he's played by a different actor is just the first of your worries. But there is one moment of perplexity in On Her Majesty's Secret Service that really doesn't make sense at all. Granted, we swapped Bond actors here from Connery to Lazenby, but doesn't really matter: the failing lies in the fact that Blofeld, James Bond's infamous nemesis from You Only Live Twice, doesn't know who he is in this movie, for reasons that are never explained. When the two meet, Blofeld makes no mention of ever having known the man who thwarted his plans in the previous movie. Likewise, Bond doesn't seem to know that he's already spent an entire movie facing off against this guy. And it can't be a prequel, because we see them meeting for the first time in You Only Live Twice. A weird moment that defies logic and the established canon entirely. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

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