10 Awesome Movie Sequels (That Don't Make Sense At All)

6. The Avengers Are Nowhere To Be Seen - Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 The problem with setting up a massive interconnecting cinematic universe is that it comes with a few built-in issues, one of which is the "Where is right now?" logic lapse. That's to say, given the events of Joss Whedon's The Avengers - a movie that exists ultimately to assemble a team of the world's best superheroes so that they can kick ass together - you're going to be wondering why said superheroes aren't teaming up all the time to solve every global disaster from then on. Like, for example, in Iron Man 3, where Tony Stark is left flying solo. It's not that it doesn't make sense to the point that it's implausible or anything, but it's certainly a nagging issue that seems at odds with the established universe. Of course, multiple heroes aren't going to appear in solo Marvel outings, because that wouldn't work either, and that'd mean we could only have The Avengers movies from now on. But that's the point - by constructing a cinematic universe, we're all going to be continually drawn back to logical obscurities like this. It just doesn't seem right that, at the end of The Avengers, we see Tony Stark constructing the Avengers Tower, and when gets real in Iron Man 3 not a single friend comes to his aid.

All-round pop culture obsessive.