10 Awesome Movie Sequels (That Don't Make Sense At All)

5. Luke's Rescue Makes No Sense - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Ever since I was a little kid, my favourite part of Star Wars: Episode IV - Return of the Jedi was the opening half hour, where Luke Skywalker - at this point more of a Jedi than we'd ever seen him - infiltrates Jabba the Hutt's palace with his motley crew so that he can rescue Han Solo, who has been frozen in carbonite. For me, this was always the most exciting bit, and I loved the way that some of the characters were embedded in Jabba's organisation beforehand, and the way that Luke's plan comes together in an exciting and explosive showdown for everyone to enjoy. The fact that the plan looks complicated and fool proof, though, is its most ingenius quality - it actually makes no sense at all, and is simply a hodgepodge of ideas and coincidences that sort of blend together and trick you into thinking it went as it was supposed to. Think about it: firstly, everyone apart from Luke is captured - Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C3-PO - for little or no reason at all. Then Luke gets captured, and only survives because he manages to get his lightsaber from R2-D2. But why go through all that when Lando has already successfully infiltrated the base? Luke needed only for Lando to let him inside and he could have rescued Han on his own.

All-round pop culture obsessive.