10 Awesome Movie Twists You Can Legitimately Ruin For People

3. People (At Least) Know There€™s A Twist - Fight Club

Fight ClubThe Twist: Tyler Durden is a figment of the narrator€™s imagination. There€™s two things people who haven€™t seen Fight Club know about it. Firstly, that the second rule is identical to the first. Secondly, that there€™s a twist. You may not have a clue what, but it€™s very hard to go into this film not knowing you€™re going to be shocked. If you know there€™s a twist coming then your mind, whether you want it to or not, will attempt to figure it out. And Fight Club isn't a film where the twist is lightly hinted at but a strong afterthought; it€™s suggested bloody constantly. From the narrator€™s continued imaginings and the mysterious actions of Tyler, the one thing that really seals it are the flashes. Up until we properly meet Mr. Durden we get moments when stills of him appear and disappear a frame at a time. I showed my brother Fight Club a couple of years ago and he immediately picked up on the flashes, but not knowing the twist didn't manage to pin it down. If not knowing anything has you curious, expecting a twist will have you work it out in second. So if someone knows there a twist, but not exactly what, take them out of their misery; it€™ll only colour their first viewing with obsession. If they don€™t know, force them to watch the DVD before someone else spoils it.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.