10 Awesome Movie Twists You Can Legitimately Ruin For People

2. It€™s On The DVD Cover - The Planet Of The Apes

PotaThe Twist: It€™s Earth. Like Star Wars I could make the argument here that the fact every movie since (excluding Tim Burton€™s consistently ridiculed remake ) has been based off the twist, with the franchise now the story of how apes took over Earth, rather than a world they rule is a perfect reason to ruin the twist. But with The Planet Of The Apes there€™s more. Star Wars has a galaxy beyond Anakin Skywalker, but for POTA the Statue Of Liberty doles out the beginning, middle and end. Try and get someone into Planet Of The Apes and not ruin the twist. They can€™t go near the internet or TV listings, so you go into your own personal collection to lend it. But even then there€™s no escaping it; the statue€™s there on the cover in all its battered glory. You€™d have to give them just the disc (and in some editions even that€™s not enough). OK, so this is one twist that it€™d take impossible lengths to not ruin, but that still means it€™s OK to spoil; it€™s not really your fault. This isn't a new thing either; less than three years after the film€™s initial release it was being given away left, right and centre. Both the trailer and opening of the sequel use the iconic shot and the TV series of the same name uses it liberally as a basic concept.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.