10 Awesome Movies That Suffered From Incredibly Bland Heroes

7. Raleigh Becket - Pacific Rim

Charlie Hunman Pacific Rim One glance at this character's name and you already get the sense of a writer trying way too hard - or, in actuality, a foreign writer trying to infuse a character's name with "American cool." And yet Raleigh Becket, the lead protagonist whose description - "a washed-up pilot called out of retirement..." - sounds like something you scrawled in that screenplay you wrote when you were fifteen, is about as memorable as the last stop on an twelve hour pub crawl. That's to say, Becket - like every other character in Pacific Rim - is built out of cardboard cliches. But whereas most of the other characters at least have notable traits like "the Japanese one," or "Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia," Raleigh Becket is just a guy. You don't care about him. He doesn't say or do anything special. It's as if Guillermo del Toro did a Google search for "bland hero" and the computer spat out Charlie Hunnam's name. Great match, to be fair.

All-round pop culture obsessive.