10 Awesome Movies That Suffered From Incredibly Bland Heroes

5. Jake Sully - Avatar

For a guy who has brought actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Leonardo DiCaprio into the hearts of millions of movie-goers all over the world, you gotta ask yourself: what was James Cameron thinking when he cast the most boring person who ever decided to become an actor as the lead in what would later become the highest-grossing motion picture ever, Avatar? Sam Worthington? You could've had anyone, James, and you went with... Sam Worthington? Okay, so luckily we had all those splendid visuals to distract us from the fact that our main character was about as interesting as a potted plant. Cameron apparently cast Worthington, who was living in his car at the time, to keep the budget down - no kidding! The director also felt like he was the sort of guy audiences would want to go for a beer with. That's all well and good, but wouldn't it have been a better idea to cast the sort of guy audiences could enjoy watching, too?

All-round pop culture obsessive.