10 Awesome Movies That Suffered From Incredibly Bland Heroes

4. Will Turner - Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean Orlando Bloom Orlando Bloom has a natural blandness to his acting style that made him the perfect choice for stoic elf Legolas in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, because that's the way that characters of that species are supposed to be. So whereas most of us who saw Bloom in the role might have thought, "Woah, nice Elf acting, whoever that actor is," it wasn't until Curse of the Black Pearl that we realised Orlando Bloom wasn't acting. He was actually like that. Bloom might as well have just been Legolas with a new haircut in the first Pirates movie, after all, where he plays leading man Will Turner, across from Keira Knightley's sort of bland-y heroine, Elizabeth Swan. Together, they make up the kind of couple you'd love to hate. Or just hate. Bloom delivers each and every line with the forgettable whine of a man trying to sell you a used mattress. Thankfully, we had Johnny Depp around to dilute the banality.

All-round pop culture obsessive.