10 Awesome Movies That Suffered From Incredibly Bland Heroes

3. Django - Django Unchained

Django UnchainedDjango Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's spaghetti western blaxploitation hybrid, is a clever flick that successfully tricks you into thinking that Django, the freed slave turned bounty hunter of the movie's title, is the central character. And although this certainly is Django's story, we mostly see it through the eyes of another character, Dr. King Schultz, who pretty much steals the show: no wonder Christoph Waltz won the Oscar over Jamie Foxx. In any other movie, Django might well have been about as interesting a protagonist as we could have asked for, given the subject matter. For a Tarantino movie, though, and for a Tarantino protagonist, Django comes across as a little bit... underdeveloped. Don't get me wrong: Jamie Foxx does his best with what he's given, and the character is an understandably one to to play. But there's a missing oomph, an incredibly rare attribute to linger on a Tarantino creation.

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