10 Awesome Movies With Terrible Endings

7. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - The Spaceship Sequence

Wonder Woman Ares
Paramount Pictures

Though very few would likely be quick to class the fourth instalment in this franchise as their out-and-out favourite, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal is still a pretty fun ride for the most part.

Sure, some of the CGI isn't as impressive as Steven Spielberg and co. would have hoped, and that nuking the fridge moment certainly divided audiences. But the 2008 return of the iconic archeology professor delivered a ton of charm, enjoyable tomb exploring, a couple of spectacular set-pieces, and Harrison Ford once again in fine form as the titular legend.

It's a shame then that the largely entertaining and rather underrated adventure came to hell of a disappointing end.

It turns out that the crystal skull Indy and the gang had been carrying around for much of the movie actually belonged to an inter-dimensional being. And when Cate Blanchett's hungry for information villain Irina Spalko reunites the skull with its skeleton within a temple, things take a strange ol' turn.

Dragging the franchise into the sort of whacky sci-fi realm an Indy story just didn't need to explore, the rest of the skeletons in the room combine to create a reanimated alien, Spalko is killed after being presented with the gift of knowing everything, and then an entire space ship breaks away from the crumbling temple as it blasts into another dimension.

The Indy franchise has never been afraid of dealing with the supernatural, but this ending was a silly move too far for most.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...