10 Awesome Things In The Best Summer Movie Season Ever‏

4. Smashing The Box Office - Lucy

The Scene: Well, the scene we imagine in our heads takes place in Marvel Studios. They look at the huge box office success of this Scarlett Johnasson-starring action film which has, to date, grossed somewhere in excess of $200 million worldwide (from a modest budget of $40 million). They realise that Luc Besson's sci-fi infused thriller, though a little shaky on the actual science, nonetheless managed to attain the third highest-grossing opening weekend for a female-driven action film, behind Wanted and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. They watch the film itself and, whilst they tend to agree with the mixed critical response - especially to the ending, when Lucy achieves "100% control of her brain" - they realise that ScarJo is a bankable action star after all. Why It's Awesome: Lucy is far from a perfect film, but then, what is? Nothing, except for the two we mentioned back at the beginning. One of the perfect elements of the film, however, is its star. Scarlett Johansson's had an interesting career trajectory, and right now she's balancing some lighter comedic roles with a contract with Marvel, locked in to play the Russian superspy Black Widow for a few more Avengers and Captain America films. Despite having announced a slate of almost a dozen upcoming comic book adaptations, there's been no sign of Marvel giving Black Widow her own film. That's despite Johansson being one of the most popular actors currently working in Hollywood, and the fact that she was one of the strongest parts of The Winter Soldier. The myth that a female-lead action film wouldn't fly with audiences has been totally obliterated by the success of Lucy, and if there's anything that ignorant movie execs will listen to, it's box office returns. So whilst Lucy is a messy, if fun, female-lead action film, the real awesome part is it might pave the way for more of the same; including, Thanos willing, a solo Black Widow movie...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/