10 Awful 2019 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

2. Escape Room

Escape Room
Sony Pictures Releasing

In the "great premise, shoddy execution" stakes, perhaps no horror film has proven more frustrating this year than Escape Room.

Fashioned as as Saw-esque spin on the popularity of escape rooms, the film sees a group of strangers invited to complete an escape room for a cash prize, only to find themselves fending off real, potentially fatal traps in the process.

It's a neat idea which with a knowing director at the helm could've been fantastic, but despite solid visuals for the budget, Adam Robitel's horror film is intensely stupid and disappointingly mild on the horror front.

The dialogue is riddled with exposition your kid nephew would be embarrassed by, the comic relief falls totally flat, it's full of plot holes and questionable character logic, and worst of all, the PG-13 rating makes it feel totally tame and sanitised.

That's not to forget an unintentionally hilarious third act which goes wildly off-the-rails, yet doesn't prove entertaining enough to cement Escape Room as a so-bad-it's-good cult classic.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.