10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

5. Jumpsuits

As seen in: Logan's Run, Silent Running, other films about running from the seventies Not that that's the only crime against taste Logan's Run made. There was also the bit where Basil Exposition from Austin Powers used a magic teleporter machine to find someone to bang. Oh, and then there were the actual outfits everybody was dressed in, not just those goofy life gem things. The seventies truly were a dark time and, when people were assuming that flares and woodchip walls were totally aesthetically pleasing, it was difficult to imagine a world that looked any better than that. Which is probably why their sapped imaginations couldn't think of anything more out-there for future fashion than €œjumpsuits€. Everybody in jumpsuits. You know who should wear jumpsuits? People who actually jump out of planes. Also the Ghostbusters. You know who shouldn't? Despite what films would have you believe, everybody in the world. It's an entirely sexless and unstylish item of clothing, like turning the entire population into the Greendale Human Being from Community. And yet it's the clothing of choice for every working stiff and fashionable mofo in futuristic sci-fi films of the era: the crew of the Nostromo from Alien, the doomed baby boomers of Logan's Run, Bruce Dern's stoner astronaut in Silent Running, and so on.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/