10 Awful Fashion Trends Of The Future (According To Films)

6. Jewels In Hands

As seen in: Logan's Run So again, a fashion trend that's seen in one film, in this case Logan's Run, but it's so awful that it bears having attention drawn to it. Despite the perpetual threat of a remake, nobody has yet managed to bring the story of a dystopian ageist world where humans are killed off when they reach 30 (to prevent overpopulation, y'see) into the modern era. Which, considering how apposite that theme is, is kind of a surprise, especially when the likes of Bryan Singer and Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn have been attached to the project. It's a great concept, but god is it so terribly seventies. The decade that taste forgot spawned a lot of especially terrible future fashions that took everything that was awful about the current clothing trends, and then wondered how much more awful they could get. One of those little accessories was the crux of the entire plot; the €œlife gems€ embedded in the palm of their hands, which change colour when you turn thirty. It makes people look like friggin' Care Bears.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/