10 Awful Films Arrow Actors Want Us To Forget

9. Katie Cassidy - The Wolves At The Door

Pulse movie
Warner Bros.

Katie Cassidy played long-suffering Laurel Lance in Arrow. At first, Oliver's love interest who was betrayed when he took her sister on his yacht, Laurel soon evolved into her own whiny character. It's only when inherited the role of Black Canary from her sister Sarah, that the character truly came alive and Cassidy came into her own.

The Wolves At The Door was a 2016 film about the Manson Murders, as told by someone who once heard they happened and wanted to make a film about it but not get bogged down in the details. At only 66 minutes runtime, the film doesn't have room for much more than the murders themselves, leaving it feeling empty of any substance. And yet, for a film that has nothing to say other than "Yo, you guys hear about this Manson guy? Crazy stuff eh?", it takes a lot of liberties with those murders, recutting them and editing the details so that they occur in a different order of events as well as just adding stuff that isn't factually accurate.

Panned by critics and with nothing to say, The Wolves At The Door may be one of Katie Cassidy's lowest moments.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.