10 Awful Films Buffy The Vampire Slayer Actors Want Us To Forget

7. Mommy's Secret (2016) - Charisma Carpenter

Alyson Hannigan Date Movie

Suffice to say, the closest Charisma Carpenter has come to starring in a really decent movie would be 2010's The Expendables, and even that was well aware of its B-movie roots.

Mommy's Secret, then, is just one of a bad bunch. A TV film with poor production values, it charts the story of secret bank robber Anne (Carpenter) as her daughter Denise (Sarah Grey) discovers her mother's secret.

Though the film has pretensions of grandeur, pitching itself as a high-octane thriller, the plot is thin on the ground, the story and core concept are laboured, and the acting is sketchy at best.

She may have struck gold as Buffy the Vampire Slayer's prissy princess Cordelia Chase, but Carpenter has always had trouble finding her footing in the movie industry. Perhaps then, it is some comfort that she built a solid reputation on TV, going on to work on Buffy's spinoff Angel and the genre-similar (though not quite as transcendent) series Charmed.


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