10 Awful Films The Lord Of The Rings Actors Want You To Forget
7. Elijah Wood (Frodo) - The Last Witch Hunter
In The Last Witch Hunter, Vin Diesel plays an immortal demon slayer called Kaulder. Allying with Elijah Wood's character, a priest called Dolan, Kaulder must locate the Witch's Council to put a stop to the Witch Queen once and for all.
The Last Witch Hunter can be easily summarised in one word: derivative. There's nothing here you haven't seen before. If you've watched Hellboy, Blade, or Constantine, you can predict what's going to happen beat-by-beat.
Although films like The Iron Giant prove Vin Diesel can deliver an emotional performance, he spends the entirety of this film growling at his co-stars. Elijah Wood is competent in the role of the trusty sidekick but doesn't get a chance to shine. Sadly, his character gets killed off immediately after he starts to become interesting.
The movie is also let down by characters constantly bombarding each other with exposition longer than the ending of Return of the King. On top of that, the CGI is so janky, it's mind boggling that the director thought it was ready for the finished film.